Monday, March 5, 2007

El3alem allah lyrics

العالم الله قد ايه قلبى وروحى دابوا فيك
دا للى عيونو دوبونى والله
واللى بيا يعلم الله

والله ودبت فيك وخدتنى بحور عينيك
سلمت القلب ليك من غير ازاى وليه

هو الحب ايه غير نظرة من عينيه
العالم الله قد ايه قلبى وروحى دابوا فيك
دا للى عيونو دوبونى والله
واللى بيا يعلم الله

والله ودبت فيه وخدتنى بحور عينيه
سلمت القلب ليه من غير ازاى وليه

هو الحب ايه غير نظرة من عينيه
غير لمسة من ايديه بالقلب تخاف علبه


El3alem allah 2ad eih
alby we ro7y dabo feeh
dally elly 3yono dawebony wallah allah allah allah
welly beya ye3lam allah

Wallah we dobt feeh we khadetny b7oor 3eneeh
sallemt el 2alb leeh men gheer ezzay we leeh

Howa el7ob eih gheer nazra men 3eneeh
gher lamsa men edeeh gheer alb tekhaf 3leeh


Only god knows how much,
My heart and soul have melted within you.

Only god knows how much,
My heart and soul have melted within you.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

I swear I've fallen for you,
And was taken by the oceans of your eyes.
I surrendered my heart to you,
Without a why or how.

I swear I've fallen for you,
And was taken by the oceans of your eyes.
I surrendered my heart to you,
Without a why or how.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

What is love exactly?
Except a glance from your eyes?
A touch of your hand?
Except a heart to take care of?

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

Only god knows how much,
My heart and soul have melted within you.

Only god knows how much,
My heart and soul have melted within you.

This is the one whose eyes weakened me, I swear.
What's inside of me? Only god knows.

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